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The Buying Process

It’s not uncommon for buyers to say to me, “Gosh, just last week I called you about buying a home and now I’m just waiting on the loan! How did this happen so fast?” Here’s what you can expect from your home shopping experience:



First, we need to make sure you are all set. The worst thing is getting all excited and finding the perfect home but not being able to buy it. We need to make sure you have a great lender who will work out any problems up front No surprises! Call or email me (or comment) if you want to know which lenders I love.

Finding the Right Home

I can email you lots and lots of listings. Just tell me what you are interested in and I will do my best to find your perfect home.

I love walking through homes. Sometimes we find the right one on the first time out, but sometimes it takes a bit longer. I don’t mind walking through as many homes as you want or need. I had one client look at 150 homes – she was ready and he took longer to find what he loved.  I don’t mind – I love it!!!


How Long Will It Take to Buy My Home?

This question has a lot of possible answers. It depends on the home you are buying.


1. Regular Sale: When we make an offer, we will put a close date of about 30 days.


2. Short Sale: Anything can, will, and does happen with a short sale. Short sales can be as short as 60 days or longer than a year. Most of my clients who have waited for a short sale wait about 6-8 months for the bank to approve the price. Once you get the bank approved price, it is rush and push to get the loan and close on your new home.


3. Bank owned/Foreclosure: I love foreclosures. If the bank is ready to dump the home and you can get a deal. It usually takes the bank about 2-5 days to respond to an offer, but then you close on the home like a regular sale. The home is yours!

4. New construction: This depends on the builder. Most builders are 90-160 days from start to completion.  I have worked with lots of builders. I grew up in a construction family and understand the construction process.


When do I get to move in?

Waiting is the hardest part of real estate. You get to move in – FINALLY – when the home is recorded in your name. Most loans take 3-4 weeks and then the home becomes yours!

I am a Seller Representative Specialist!

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